15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:33 pm
By:James Fraser

Alcohol and Facebook don't go well together. When you are drunk, you can't stop yourself from posting nonsense on Facebook. There's a deep connection between alcohol and Facebook. It's hard to control that urge to post something on Facebook when you are drunk. Here are fifteen hilarious drunk posts on Facebook that force you not to post a single word on Facebook when you are drunk.
13.You are Clearly Drunk

Only drunk people post statuses like those. This post sounds better than those posts that say they have peed on phones or tasted their own semen. However, playing in snow when you are drunk can be very dangerous. If you pass out while playing in snow, you may even kill yourself with hypothermia. Such Facebook posts only cause embarrassment, not death.

You are Clearly Drunk-15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts

14.Another Embarrassing Drunk Post

People do lots of adventures when they are dunk. You have already read a ton of them in this list alone. This is yet another absurd thing a drunk person did. Why would anyone want to shove up a tampon at wrong places? Tampons are supposed to protect people from embarrassment!

Another Embarrassing Drunk Post-15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts

15.This is Disgusting

We now believe that guy who ate his semen is two hundred times better than this drunk girl who took a dump in the middle of her house. Isn't that really sick? We don't see any reason why she should post that on her Facebook and let everyone including us know that! Don't even try to read that post again.

This is Disgusting-15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts
