Guy Whose Sunglasses Got Stolen After A One Nightstand Texts The Girl For A Year.
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:20 pm
By:James Fraser
This is a super interesting story. We bet you never saw or hear about something like this before. This is the story of a guy in pictures, who texted a girl continuously for one year to get his stolen sunglasses back. Last year, he had a one night stand with a lady, whom he thinks has stolen his sunglasses. He texted her for over a year, asking her to return his sunglasses.
1.This is How it All Begin
There's a guy named Alex who made this his story public in Last year, Alex had a date with a girl named Anna. He asked her to hold his expensive sunglasses in her bag. She went outside telling him she would make a phone call. She never returned back. She left the place with Alex's expensive sunglasses.

2.He Texted Her Back Immediately
As the lady wasn't coming back anytime soon, Alex was sure she has stolen his sunglasses. He started texting her immediately. You can read his texts in the image. They are funny! They also show this guy's love towards his glasses. However, Anna never replied him back. Things go very hilarious from here onwards, keep reading!

3.Asking His Sunglasses Back as a Birthday Gift
He has been texting her for over a month, but never got a reply back from Anna. He didn't forget to text her even on his birthday. He even tried to use his birthday as a bid to get his sunglasses back. As you can see in the image, he is indirectly hinting her that she needs to give those sunglasses back as a gift!

4.Taking This Thing into an All New Level
The texts are getting hilarious! Poor Alex tried everything he could to get a reply back from her. As you can see in the image, he sounds like he was deeply saddened by the absence of his sunglasses on a warm and sunny day. Unfortunately for him, he didn't hear anything from Anna. He continued sending more texts.

5.This is Hilarious
Alex posted picture of a pair of ordinary sunglasses and said he was looking to get sunglasses like those. He also told he misses his old sunglasses a lot, because they were lot nicer. His question in the end 'you sure you still don't have em' failed to get a response, one more time. He wasn't tired, and sent more texts.

6.Well, He is Alex
You can see him now. He said he bought new sunglasses. You can see those shades in the picture! Isn't that really funny? He said to Anna that those shades are not protecting him from the sun. Without eating up anymore time, he straightaway asked her if she could return his old sunglasses black.

7.He Got New Sunglasses
This time he sent a picture of him wearing a funny butterfly shaped frame on his nose. Yes, he badly wants his sunglasses back. He texted her same old thing again, requesting her to return his sunglasses. You now understand how desperate he is to get his shades back onto his face. However, as usual, he didn't hear a word from Anna.

8.He is Crazy
This guy has even made some 'missing' posters. As you can see in the image, he posted some of them near the girl's apartment. We aren't sure if the girl has seen those posters. Unfortunately, his text messages were ignored by her once again. He didn't give up though!

9.Tried Some Memes Too
This image shows how desperate he is to get shades back! At this point, it is unbelievable to know that people like Alex exists on this planet. If you see his texts, you will understand that he is politely asking her to return his sunglasses. Oh man, what patience! This is amazing. Keep reading, more to come!

10.On Valentines Day
She has stolen his sunglasses in September, 2014. The picture you are seeing right now here was sent on February, 2014. He has been texting her for more than six months. Can you believe she didn't responded at least once to his texts? This Valentine's Day message too was funny. He still wants his shades back.

11.He Got Another Pair of Sunglasses
Now, those sunglasses are big. This man is funny. We know you are totally laughing at him right now! As you can see in the image, he was almost begging her to give his sunglasses back. He's crazy! We haven't seen anyone like him doing anything like this before! Keep reading his texts! More coming your way!

12.This Text Will Make You Rofl
The comedy is at its peak now! Just read what he texted to her. As you can see, he said he's standing at a street fair that let him design his own sunglasses. He's asking her nicely if she can return his sunglasses! Don't even think this guy will buy anything at that fair! That's just impossible!

13.He Spent 25,747,200 Seconds Without His Sunglasses
How does he even get ideas like these? He calculated the time from when he started texting to her. Well, he has been texting her continuously for 298 days! We almost ran out of words to describe this guy and his epic adventure. What was that girl doing? How can she ignore so many messages! If we were her, we would buy him a sunglasses store and totally erase him from our lives!

14.There You Go, the Queen!
Finally, finally, she replied! She replied to him after one year! Take your time in reading that long text. From her words, she sounds like she didn't really steal his sunglasses. She confirmed she had those sunglasses, but told she forgot where she kept them. Unfortunately, Alex – you aren't getting your sunglasses back!

Finally, she replied! He came to know he isn't going to get his shades back. He called her a 'savage bitch'. He showed some interest in meeting her when she comes back to Philly. She said would be there in Philly next week. That's it, folks!
