Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 6:58 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Whose Your Daddy?

Ah This little guy with 'Are you my daddy' on his T-Shirt is kind of sad and cute. However, it does become quite serious if it is indeed meant as a question due to nobody knowing the answer.

Whose Your Daddy?-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

2.T-Shirt Cheat

Kids are so lucky they get to spell it out on a T-Shirt. We wonder if they have this in adult size because there are a lot of grown ups that try to still claim that it is baby fat when in actual fact it is cake fat.

T-Shirt Cheat-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

3.Cheeky Monkey

You will never know until you ask, right? Clearly he is going to be playing on the fact that he is a baby and can then claim that he does not know any better and will clearly get away with it.

Cheeky Monkey-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images


Boys will be boys and this little guy is starting young. Or was this T-Shirt dad's idea and him being guilty of some wishful thinking? Perhaps he was wanting to get his son used to the idea from an early age?

Yeah!-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

5.Objective Perspective

It sometimes takes a newcomer to spot the craziness? This baby clearly knows what is going on and is not too impressed with the family that he has ended up having, but who has swearing on a baby t-shirt anyway?

Objective Perspective-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

6.Lucky Guy!

One wonders why, in hindsight, we spend our whole childhood wanting to grow up so fast! Surely just having thing on your agenda for the day would be the absolutely perfect life?

Lucky Guy!-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

7.Bad Ass Baby

Uh oh! We see trouble! The problem is, does this little guy know what he is up for? Surely this kind of t-shirt is a bit too confrontational for this guy at this age?

Bad Ass Baby-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

8.Living Proof

Sometimes you just have to spell it out for folk! The good thing is that they are proud of their daddy being a geek and that is something that they may change their opinion on later on in life.

Living Proof-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

9.Twin Geeks

Perfect romper set for Geek twins! You have to admit that they are very clever indeed and you have to admire the person that came up with the idea in the first place.

Twin Geeks-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

10.MILF wars!

Bet this kids little T-Shirt sparked a hot debate in the sandpit? You also know it would have sparked a debate between all of the fathers as well, so the moms would not be happy.

MILF wars!-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

11.It's Not All A Bed of Roses

Some kids T-Shirts just tell it as it is! The funny part is that it is also going to be amazingly accurate although hopefully they do not always get a t-shirt every single time that they do that?

It's Not All A Bed of Roses-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images

12.Could This Be True?

Kids T-Shirts say the funniest things! However, is there ever a limit as to where you need to stop with the jokes as they are getting a bit too personal? Maybe this is a good example.

Could This Be True?-Funny Baby T-shirt Texts And Images



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