12 Funny Murica Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 10:54 am
By:James Fraser
The internet fondly calls America, Murica! The term, Merica/Murica refers to the stereotypical Americans such as obese, southerners, hillbillies, gun-toting, and flag-waving patriots. In the recent years, non-Americans have been using it to insult or ridicule the United States and its people. Interestingly, the slang name was chalked by none other than the Americans themselves! Murica memes are very popular on the internet, and unsurprisingly, almost all of them make fun of the USA and censure its interference in world politics in the name of freedom. Check these 12 funny Murica memes that are sure to make you laugh!
4.Murica Level: Maximum
Technically, the United States is the 12th fattest nation in the world, but it should be the most obese country in the world theoretically because the countries that occupied the first 11 places are not so popular. Have you ever heard the country names like Tonga, Palau, Kiribati, and Tuvalu before? They are some countries among the top ten fat nations. This meme clearly highlights the obesity pandemic in the USA. If you are a foreigner visiting the US, you will be surprised with the number of fat people you are going to see on the streets!