12 Funny Looks Good To Me Memes You'll Ever See
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 12:39 pm
By:James Fraser
Time heals all things, except these crazy eyes! If you watched Adam Sandler's 2002 film, "Mr. Deeds," you would perhaps remember Steve Buscemi playing the "Crazy Eyes" role and all the funny scenes in the movie that involved him. Looks Good to Me meme is a screen capture of one such funny scene from the film. Although the meme isn't as popular as some other memes on the internet, it does make you laugh, especially if you are a perfectionist or someone who is super critical about things! The Looks Good to Meme is mostly used to describe automobile or mechanical imperfections by those who work in the industry. Check these 12 funny Looks Good to Memes that are very funny.
10.That'll Hold!
That seems to be a redneck invention or some Russian innovation! A lot of such inventions or innovations usually work, but we don't think this is going to work. Sadly, a lot of people don't understand car mechanics or general physics, and that is the reason they come up with ideas like these. Anyone who drives a vehicle needs to know how it works so they can have a better hold on their car, truck, or even motorcycle, especially in a state of emergency or breakdown.