12 Funny Little Moments Found In Movie Credits

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 1:02 pm
By:Tony Williams

Closing credits. Ain't nobody got time for that?! Just how we never read EULA while installing an app or a game, we never care to sit and watch the closing credits of a movie as well. Most of us simply get up and leave the theater the moment we see movie credits rolling on the screen. Frankly speaking, end credits are boring. However, in some rare cases, movie credits made spectators laugh hysterically. Take a look at the 12 unusual and funny instances found in movie closing credits that made moviegoers laugh hysterically!

#9 Chris P. Bacon

If Kevin Bacon can be a star, then why can't Chris P. Bacon be one too. Either that's a cruel joke his parents played on him, or a name he chose for his "stage" name, but either way it's funny. Could be his parents didn't realize it when they possibly named him Chris Peter Bacon, until one day he used his middle initial.

Chris P. Bacon-12 Funny Little Moments Found In Movie Credits
