12 Funny Hits Blunt Memes That Will Send You In The Thinking Mode
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 11:39 am
By:James Fraser
Hits Blunt memes have become very popular lately. As you may know, the memes use photos of black guys who seem to be high on weed and raise funny yet thought-provoking questions. Hits Blunt memes are hilarious, and they are fascinating to read as well. Each Hits Blunt meme has an issue that sends you into a thinking mode instantly! Those questions do sound valid when you first read them, but most of them are very silly. Check these 12 hilarious Hits Blunt memes. Bonus: All those tricky Hits Blunt questions have been answered!
1.Sand Is Called Sand
"Do you think sand is called sand because it's between the sea and land?!"
That's a hilarious question! Hey, but sand exists on the banks of oceans, rivers, lakes, and many water bodies as well. Hence, that isn't the reason behind the etymology of the English word, "sand." Since English is a West Germanic language, many of the English words have deeper roots to the German language. Interestingly, "sand" is called "sand" in German as well. A hilarious Hits Blunt meme, nonetheless!

2.Hits Blunt!
"Today is the oldest day you have ever been but also the youngest you will ever been again!"
That's right, and the meme just screws up your mind if you think about it too much! Oh man, time keeps ticking! Weren't we all kids just a few years ago? Sadly, all of us will become old and die eventually. *Hits blunt* Where are we heading after we die? Unfortunately, we were born at a time when we have technology that can save our lives but can't figure out what death exactly is. The next couple of centuries will be fascinating!

3.How Comes Towels Get Dirty?
"If you get out the shower clean, then how does your towel gets dirty?!"
Does that mean you are not showering properly? Um, no, not at all! Bath towels don't get dirty because you have dirt on the skin but become grimy because of the moisture inside it. A wet towel is an ideal place for mold to grow and microbes to thrive. If you don't wash or dry it immediately after a bath, they are going to stink by the time you use it again. If you reuse that dirty towel, you may end up exposing your skin to the bacteria.

4.The Big Question!
"If money is the root of all evil, why do they ask for it in church?"
The church wants you to give 10% of all your earnings, and many God-loving people do that. As someone who created this meme asked if money is the mother of all sins, why do churches want people to give them money? By squeezing all the money from your pocket, they are perhaps helping you stay away from evil! Jokes aside, any place of worship needs some money to run. Wholeheartedly make a donation, but don't give money to anyone who talks you into doing that.

5.Nike Vs. Nikey
Nike is pronounced Nikey, and much to the disappointment of many who argue that the actual pronunciation of the global footwear giant is Nike (Nyke), the company's chairman of the board, Philip Knight, officially confirmed that Nike is pronounced Nikey. Just as this meme says, why can't we pronounce bike as bikee and Mike as Mikee? We don't pronounce that way because words like a bike, Mike, etc. belong to English whereas Nike is a Greek word and it doesn't have a standard pronunciation in English.

6.Is The S Or C Silent In Scent?
Now, this is a tricky question! Can you guess which of the two letters, S and C, is silent when you pronounce scent? Yes, C is silent here just how it is silent in words like school, science, scythe, etc. The word scent was originated from the old French word, "Sentire." English is a complicated language, isn't it? You pronounce "Scent" as "sent," but "Scotland" as "Skotland"! The silent words do give a lot of trouble to those English learners.

7.Is Spongebob A Tampon?!
He lives next to a starfish called Patrick Star! As you may know, starfish is one of the many nicknames of the butthole! The name of SpongeBob's best friend is Sandy Cheeks, and that name sounds a bit weird as well! Squidward's face does look like a penis, and if you don't think so, check his picture now and pay attention to his eyes and nose! A bizarre fan fiction about SpongeBob SquarePants claims that the entire show has obscure references to human privates, and it frames SpongeBob as a tampon!

8.Alien Vs. Predator!
"If an immigrant and child molester get into a fight, is that alien vs. predator?!"
Now, this is a sick joke! Child molesters are pathetic people, so they totally deserve being called predators. What about calling immigrants aliens? Dems, libs, and so-called progressive people absolutely go mad even if you call illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants. They even coined a term called undocumented workers, so it sounds less offending to illegal immigrants from Mexico and other countries. All child abusers are depraved, but not all immigrants are bad, though.

9.This Question!
"Why does food gets cold, but drinks get warm?"
That sounds like an intelligent question for someone who is high on weed, but that's a basic one. Food is warmer than room temperature, so when you leave it like that for some time, it settles down to room temperature and becomes cool. Drinks, on the other hand, are much cooler than standard room temperature, so when they are left out of the refrigerator, they get warmer.

10.Guardian Of The Galaxy!
"If you work as security at a Samsung store, does that make you guardian of the galaxy?!"
Since a Samsung store usually stocks many Galaxies inside, you are technically a Guardian of the Galaxies, so that's like a promotion! That's a cool way to introduce yourself to people, isn't it?! Sadly, most of those security guards who stand at the entrance of stores are underpaid and overworked even in the developed countries like the United States. A couple of years ago, Apple's security guards protested for better pay, which caught the world's attention.

11.Why Doesn't Milk Go Bad Inside Cow?
Um, that's an interesting question! Milk gets spoiled only if it is exposed to bacteria. Since the inside organs of a cow or any animal (even humans) is sterile, there is absolutely no chance of milk contamination unless the cow is sick. As you may know, germs can't thrive inside a refrigerator, so milk stays fresh when refrigerated. Cows and other mammals also have a mechanism to prevent milk from turning sour. They produce milk twice a day, so they aren't really storing them for days.

12.Why Is There No Light In Space?
Space within our solar system looks dark despite having a giant burning star, Sun. Irrespective of day or night, the sky on the moon would always look dark if you were to stand on it and see. As you may have learned in school, our Earth is surrounded by a thick layer of the atmosphere. When sun rays hit the atmospheric layer, the light reflects, and photons scatter everywhere causing the illusion of blue sky. Hence, it's not the Sun, but our wonderful atmosphere that's responsible for bright days on Earth.
