12 Funny Beard Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 12:51 pm
By:James Fraser
Facial hair is one of the few things that set apart men from women. As you know, every boy with adequate male hormones begins growing facial hair when he reaches his puberty. Some men have classic long beards, while others sport a trimmed beard or clean-shaven look. Most women like it when a man cleans-haves his face. Some girls prefer men with beards. There isn't a popular opinion about beards. Facial hair may look good or ugly based on how one sees it. Here are 12 funny beard memes that are sure to make you laugh.
10.This Overly-Manly Meme About Beard
If your balls itch, you will need to shave balls hair, and similarly, if your beard itches, you will need to cut the beard hair. There is no reason to cut balls or cheeks and make the whole thing a bloody issue! Remember, facial hair is a personal choice. If someone feels like he has to keep it, he will hold it despite all the problems it creates that range from itching to giving tickles to his girlfriend! If someone cuts their long beard, perhaps, they have a reason to cut that, and being rude to them is pointless.