12 Funny Batman Memes That Will Make You Lol
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:19 am
By:James Fraser
Bruce Wayne, Batman, The Dark Night, The Caped Crusader, call him by whatever name you want to call, and he will be there in no time to deliver JUSTICE! Batman is nowhere near other DC superheroes when it comes to having magical powers, and yet, he is one of the most famous superheroes the comic world has ever seen. Batman's immense popularity has spawned unnumbered fanfiction stories, jokes, and puns over the years. Thanks to the meteoric rise of the meme culture in last decade or so, we now have loads of Batman memes as well! Have a look at these 12 hilarious Batman Memes that show the lighter side of the Dark Knight!
10.Batman Slapping Robin, Finally!
"Batman Slapping Robin" is a popular internet meme that people use to shut down stupid, immature, and annoying people. Apparently, a random guy says he hates his parents for not buying them the things he wanted. He posted that on his Facebook using an expensive Apple device, which makes it clear that his parents indeed buy him pricey things. That's a well-deserved slap, isn't it? People need to be thankful for what they have. Remember, millions around the world struggle extremely hard for their daily bread, while spoiled brats like these yell at their parents for stupid reasons.