12 Funniest Wedding Signs Ever Seen

Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 9:54 am
By:Tony Williams

These days we see a lot of families, mainly couples, try very hard to make their wedding the talk of the town. From bridal gown to cake, they make sure they epitomize their creativity in all aspects of the marriage. A wedding ceremony is incomplete without a healthy quotient of humor, from hilarious wedding photos to horrible wedding dresses and even bizarre wedding themes. Formal marriages are like a boring TV show! No one talks about them after the wedding. A good nuptial ceremony is the one where guests can have a lot of fun. The following 12 pictures show how couples added humor to their marriage ceremony with some funny wedding signs! 

#1 Stache Your Treats

There are so many different foods to choose from at a wedding. On top of that, there are always goodies and treats offered as well. While some people would love to stuff their face all day long, this sign informs these greedy guests on proper etiquette. This sign is only funny if the groom (or the bride in some cases) has a mustache.

Stache Your Treats-12 Funniest Wedding Signs Ever Seen
