15 Funniest News Bloopers Ever
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:46 am
By:James Fraser
A career in journalism has always been an exciting one. You would be paid to visit places, talk to people, report latest happenings, and even interview famous personalities. Imagine you were a news reporter, and you have to do the public speaking on a daily basis with millions watching you speak live on television! We guess the very idea of becoming a news reporter would give you goosebumps now! Even if you were the world's best news reporter, there would always be an idiot to ruin your day at work! Check these 15 funniest and outrageous news bloopers ever, and know why a reporting job is no joke!
10.Let's Show Some Reptiles to Our Viewers
News presenters just read out what editors or news writers write. They are good at that. However, being a news presenter doesn't guarantee extra bit of knowledge or smartness more than that of an average person's. It all looked fine and great until that lizard flew off and hung on to reporter's coat!