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15 Funniest News Bloopers Ever

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:46 am
By:James Fraser

A career in journalism has always been an exciting one. You would be paid toRead More (+)
4.Oops, That Was Unexpected

Be there before everyone else! Journalists work in a fast paced environment. At times, too many things happen in a single day that requires them to be at many places in little time. Reporters are always in a hurry. When you are in a hurry, mistakes happen! Check this journalist who nearly drowned the old man there.

Oops, That Was Unexpected-15 Funniest News Bloopers Ever

5.This News Presenter Fail

Let's talk about news readers/presenters. Their job is challenging than reporters. News readers need to have impeccable concentration. As most of them read news live on TV, there is a greater chance of their mistakes being broadcast to public. Check this news presenter who tripped and fell on floor.

This News Presenter Fail-15 Funniest News Bloopers Ever

6.This Reporter Who Became a Stunts Person in the End

Some news reporters are over-enthusiastic. This is the reason why many people hate them. From reporters' perspective, reporting a news or event is their job, and they will do anything or go any place just to do that. At times, they get dangerously closer to things just to get that perfect video.

This Reporter Who Became a Stunts Person in the End-15 Funniest News Bloopers Ever
