Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 9:37 pm
By:Mike Litzler

1.Her finger got stuck in my buckle

Iphone autocorrect is 1 big thing which you must be afraid of when texting, avoid the mistakes by turning it off, otherwise it can lead to these kind of blunders.

Her finger got stuck in my buckle-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

2.Pic of my black pumas

Texting a straight guy? well, your iphone autocorrect has the tendency to make you look gay to him, don't ever use your iphone autocorrect next time if any of this situation.

Pic of my black pumas-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

3.Huge suprise for you in the kitchen

Mom and son texting is always hilarious, it brings up some awkward and fainting situations if your autocorrect is on.

Huge suprise for you in the kitchen-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

4.sleeping with your sh*t...

If you are a guy with a girl or vice versa, then your Iphone autocorrect can ruin some moments and make you feel really embarrassed in front of your partner although it may sometimes make some funny moments lol.

sleeping with your sh*t...-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

5.What color is a period red?

Well, this one is absolutely hilarious if you are a girl, it would definitely give you some weird imaginations if you were there.

What color is a period red?-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

6.You broke your what?

Make sure you don't use words which give your phone's autocorrect a chance to make it something stupid, It really makes an embarrassing situation in sometimes.

You broke your what?-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

7.Iphone autocorrect being pervert?

Iphone autocorrect can sometimes become really pervert if you don't take proper care while typing, the below is an example how it can make things really vulgar...

Iphone autocorrect being pervert?-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

8.Mom, are you having any gum?

Ever talked with your mom and the conversation went totally wrong? well, make sure you and she off the autocorrect or it may lead to plain blunders and awkward moments.

Mom, are you having any gum?-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

9.Your chicken Marsala was delicious.

Giving tips to your friends about cooking on a text? make sure you off the autocorrect on your iphone otherwise it may boil up your head with its wrong suggestions like the one below...

Your chicken Marsala was delicious.-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

10.Son, your brother was adopted...

Are you a parent? well, make sure next time when using an iphone not to send such a shocking text to your child, he/she may faint. Iphone does have an option to turn off the autocorrect feature so that it does not mess around while you are texting...

Son, your brother was adopted...-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

11.Your father poked you with what??

Sometimes iphone's autocorrect makes things so embarrassing that you literally want to through your iphone away but wait don't do that, it costs a lot....

Your father poked you with what??-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails

12.Do you have any stain remover?

What happens when you are in trouble and your iphone autocorrect keep suggesting some stupid words which make the condition even worse? well, admit it, it happens to all of us, the autocorrect feature of iphone is really a brain teaser...

Do you have any stain remover?-Funniest Iphone Autocorrect Fails



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