12 Greatest Fat Guy / Skinny Wife Couples On TV Shows

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:50 am
By:Tony Williams

You see a lot of all ill-matched couples on TV shows, particularly sitcoms. Don't you? It has become a kind of tradition that at least one couple on a show should look awkward, with the wife being skinny and smoking-hot, and husband looking like a blobfish! Think of any popular sitcom wife, and we bet she looks gorgeous! We also bet she has a fat or ugly guy as a husband. It seems like the society, media or people find it acceptable for a fat guy to be in the lead role, but not a fat woman to play the same! How often do you see fat women in TV shows, playing lead or serious roles? The ill-matched couples are not just limited to live-action sitcoms; you can find them even on animated shows! Let's not go deeper into the subject, but quickly check these 12 greatest fat guys - hot wife couples on TV shows. 

#8 Homer And Marge Simpson - The Simpsons

Homer Simpson is the protagonist of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Homer is married to Marge Simpson, and they have two kids. Due to the huge fan following, this animated comedy series is running for more than 2 and a half decades and still going strong. This show is another good example of the ill standard of fat man and slim wife on regular sitcoms. 

Homer And Marge Simpson - The Simpsons-12 Greatest Fat Guy / Skinny Wife Couples On TV Shows
