15 Dumbest People You Will Ever See
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 7:10 am
By:James Fraser
If being dumb were a religion, these 15 stupid people would probably qualify to be called saints of it! For us, they are clearly the dumbest humans in the world. Hey, it's okay to be a dim-witted person. The real reason why we hate brainless people is that they consistently deny opportunities to learn, and continue to dwell in their dreary and ignorant world. Guess what? They think everyone around them is a fool! Check these 15 instances when thickheaded people publicly demonstrated their dumbness!
4.Where Did You Hear About it?
Someone from the 'dumb club' could have told him to use microwave to charge his phone. This dumb fellow tried it only to burn his phone. Welcome to the real world; where phone chargers power cell phones, and microwaves cook food! This isn't just dumb, this is plain stupidity at display!