15 Dumbest People You Will Ever See
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 7:10 am
By:James Fraser
If being dumb were a religion, these 15 stupid people would probably qualify to be called saints of it! For us, they are clearly the dumbest humans in the world. Hey, it's okay to be a dim-witted person. The real reason why we hate brainless people is that they consistently deny opportunities to learn, and continue to dwell in their dreary and ignorant world. Guess what? They think everyone around them is a fool! Check these 15 instances when thickheaded people publicly demonstrated their dumbness!
1.Because Paris is the Only Country in the World to Have Transmission Lines
Let's kick start this dumb people list in style with dumb person, who mistakes a power transmission line to Eiffel Tower. Oh boy, does that really look like Eiffel Tower? At least this person knows Eiffel Tower is located in Paris. We bet you can't stop laughing at this dumb question.

2.What's Her Point?
It requires some IQ and serious thinking skills to even understand what this girl was saying? Apparently, she thinks China is ahead of US in terms of time; which is right. How in a world can China guess future? It looks like this girl has missed all of her high school geography classes. This is not how time works, this is not how anything in this world works!

3.Good Bye, I'm Outta US
Most people in most countries are usually unhappy with their government for many reasons. It's acceptable. This person in the image too was not happy with US government, which is understandable and acceptable, as government can't impress each and every individual. He says he is moving to California because he isn't happy with US government? Canada would have saved him exposing his dumbness to the world.

4.Where Did You Hear About it?
Someone from the 'dumb club' could have told him to use microwave to charge his phone. This dumb fellow tried it only to burn his phone. Welcome to the real world; where phone chargers power cell phones, and microwaves cook food! This isn't just dumb, this is plain stupidity at display!

5.This Has Come Straight from a Press Reporter
Huffington Post reporter Ryan. J. Reilly has tweeted this image during Ferguson unrest, asking people to confirm if they are rubber bullets. Dear reporter, they are not rubber bullets! They are used earplugs! As you are a reporter, you should have known the difference between a rubber bullet and an earplug. This is funny!

6.The Dumb Queen
1. Sperm don't sleep at night. Sperm is something that doesn't sleep at all.
2. You can't be called virgin, just because you don't get pregnant from sex.
3. You are not smart.
4. You are just dumb.
End of the story.

7.Can Someone Gift an Atlas to This Guy?
This dude got the geography thing completely wrong. He says there are only seven countries in this world! Whoa, what a genius! You don't get to see them every day, but people like these do exist on this planet in big numbers! Education is important!

8.This is How You Step into Internet's Hall of Fame (Shame)
Getting popular in internet is not all that tough. You can make it big on internet stage, if you are skilled, talented or smart. Dumbness or stupidity too can help in achieving fame, like how this guy has become popular. Boy, it's called Holocaust, not hall of cost. Well, you didn't learned anything in your history class!

9.Puppetry? You are Writing it Wrong
We guess she was supposed to write 'puberty' there. Well, this is one of those nice 'puberty done right' images, but the word 'puppetry' she used made her look dumb. Thanks to puppetry and puppetry artists for making this girl look good!

10.We Saw the Dumbest Person Today
We found no words to describe this stupidity! He heard about dumbness, but this is some hardcore stuff. Elevators do have buttons for every floor, no matter on which floor you catch them. We hope this person will someday find a cure for his insanity. It's not even funny!

11.Thanks for Unconditional Love – Boys
"I live in a small town in Japan. I'm forever alone, but it's good to know there's someone who actually <3 (love) me. Yes, I have eyes!" A 'forever alone' guy responded to this girl's message! Boys from different parts of the world thanked her for unconditional love towards them! Yes, she loves boys with eyes!

12.Google is there for a Reason
Google is apparently the best known medicine to dumbness. Most people don't use it because using Google to know unknown things is simply not a dumb person's trait. Google would have told this person what a reptile is. He, however, decided to expose his dumbness calling squirrel a reptile!

13.Unless Her Boyfriend's Girlfriends are Gay Men
Her boyfriend can cheat on her, but this is not how pregnancy and cheating works. Her question is complicated, and it screws your head if you think about it. Her boyfriends' girlfriends can't impregnate her (even if they are men) without this lady cheating on her boyfriend! It's complex, right!

14.Politics Isn't For Everyone
When you see the question in her status, you would think this lady is fine, and willing to learn new things. If you see her reply, you would come to a conclusion that this lady is super dumb. Apparently she doesn't know what Al Qaeda is! She thinks it may be the name of a person or a country.

15.When People Can't Differentiate Between URL and File Path
You are dumb not because you do mistakes! You are dumb because you don't realize them and try to correct others! See how this lady is defending her stupidity, and preaching it to the people around! When someone said there's a mistake, you should at least check whether or not there's really a mistake.
