Cartoons We Wish Should Come Back
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 5:31 pm
By:Mike Litzler
#14 Rocko's Modern Life
When you think back to the classic age of Nicktoons Rocko's modern life should be near the top off the list. If its not then there is something wrong with you. There I said it. This show centered on Rocko a mild mannered marsupial living in a crazy mixed up world. Rocko had a wide variety or crazy characters to bounce off of. His irritable neighbor Mr. Bighead, his neurotic turtle friend Filbert and Rocko's best friend Steer Hefer Wolfe who was raised by wolves but does not know he was adopted. Rocko main premise was relatable to everyone a good person who tried to make it in a crazy nonsensical world. This was a great show and the kind folks at Nickelodeon would do the world a major favor if they brought it back.