12 Black Jokes That Are Offensive Yet Hilarious
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 7:47 am
By:James Fraser
This topic has no bad motivations, and the only reason why it exists is some people don't mind reading racist or offensive jokes. All they care at the end of the day is some fun. Remember, reading racist jokes doesn't make you a racist. Hating people, stereotyping, or prejudicing against them based on their race, ethnicity, or skin color makes you one. Every social group in the society has racists and victims. So let's put a stopper to the discussion on racism, and quickly check these 12 black jokes. Don't forget to take a look at these Mexican Jokes, Blonde Jokes, and a collection of Racist Jokes that has jests on Asians, Jews, and even on white people!
1.Show Me It's True What They Say About Black Men!
A black guy picks up a white girl at a nightclub, and the two proceeds to go to the girl's apartment. She says, in a romantic voice, "Show me it's true what they say about black men." He then stabs her, steals her purse, and leaves her apartment!

2.Can You Guess The Difference?
What is the difference between a white naked woman and black naked one?
The difference is that you are most likely to see the white naked woman on the cover page Playboy magazine, whereas you see black naked woman on National Geographic!

3.Black Guy And Mexican Guy
Together, a black guy and Mexican guy are travelling in a car. Can you guess who is driving the car?
None of them is driving the car! A white cop is driving both of them to the local prison.

4.The Big Question
5.This Offensive Joke
How do you start a marathon in a black neighborhood?
Roll a doughnut down the street and watch them running behind it!

6.More Questions
Why don't black girls wear panties to picnics and outdoor panties?
To keep flies off their fried chicken!

7.What Do You Say?
8.The Difference Between Black And White Fairy Tales
What's the difference between a white and black fairytale?
The white story begins, "once upon a time," and the black one begins, "Y'all motherfuckers ain't gonna believe dis shit!"

9.Oh No!
"I like black people. I love black people. I used to have a lot of black friends until my dad sold them," said an old white guy!

10.The Difference Between Pizza And A Black Man
12.What's Common Between Black Men And Sperm?
Like sperm, only one in millions of black men actually works and becomes successful.