12 Best Roast Me Posts On Reddit Ever
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 12:46 pm
By:James Fraser
If you haven't checked Roast Me subreddit on Reddit yet, you are probably missing a lot of fun. "Roast Me" is a hilarious subreddit where people post their photos asking redditors to roast them with vicious comments. If you ever wonder what it feels like to be bullied, just take a selfie, post it there, and watch Reddit trolls leaving highly insulting yet hilarious feedback! Don't forget to hold a sign that reads /R/RoastMe as a token of consent. If you are someone who gets offended easily, "Roast Me" isn't a great place for you. However, if you love dark humor, check these 12 Reddit Roast Me posts that are way too hilarious!
7.The Double Burn
"I'm going to assume that you're fucking a third-rate local rapper that treats you like dogshit."
"At least dogshit gets picked up off the park grass when the dog is done with his business."
These two comments definitely go down as the meanest roasts of the topic. Well, that's exactly how some people feel like upon seeing a woman who dresses like this girl in the picture. Over 600 people upvoted the comment, which was a clear indication of the popular opinion. All we can do now is feel sorry for the girl and check the next roast!