Best "guess..." Memes
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:22 pm
1.Which one is it?
So which one is it here? Have you actually looked low enough to see the writing? Do you think size does matter? So many questions and not enough time to answer them.
2.It probably is
So do you think that this is indeed the wife's car? If it's not then the guy has a lot of explaining to do because there is just far too much makeup in there for it to make sense.
3.Cats are strange
You know cats can be very, very strange and they find entertainment in various ways, but surely this just takes the biscuit. You just know that it is going to sit there for ages staring at its shadow without realizing it is staring at its shadow.
4.You weren't expecting that
Come on be honest here as you were not expecting to see Samuel L Jackson turn around were you? There were probably 100 different people that were springing to mind and he would not have been one of them, but surely that is understandable?
5.A smug look
This is very funny because of the look on the sloth and even though it is its normal look you have to admit that you can imagine it feeling quite smug since it knows which one it has peed on, but we don't. Do you dare to risk it?
6.Have you guessed yet?
Well this tells you the difference between two boys and how they can react in certain situations. She has not even noticed where he is looking, but hey the boy is happy so that is all that matters.
7.The kid looks happy
This picture really is perfect because the face on that kid just sums up what they would be thinking if they did indeed have to poop just after getting their diaper changed. Boy is he happy with himself here.
8.Not what you expected
Yep if you looked at this line up, then you would have probably opted for number 21 as the pro, but clearly that is not the case. It just shows that looks can indeed be deceptive.
9.Are we right?
So do you think we are right with this guess? Even if we are wrong it is still a lot of fun looking at them and trying to work out if they are real or not.
10.Erm..said mommy for the first time?
So we need to guess what this baby has just did and there is a good chance that if you thought the baby said mommy for the first time that you would be wrong. Instead, you can probably think more horrible things and you will be closer to the truth.
11.Can you pick them out?
Well this mother has three children, but clearly she favors two of them over the third, but is it too obvious as to which one she does not really like? Is it the hair? Is it the fact one has their face covered with the plastic rain sheet?
12.Can you work it out?
Go on there are three couples, so can you work out which one is actually the married one? Take a close look as the signs are there and nope it is not due to any rings on the fingers.