15 People Who Quit Their Job In Style
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:12 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us hate our jobs, but continue working because we have to. Millions of employees around the globe are unhappy about their work or workplace because of one or other reasons. We all know it's rare and difficult to find a perfect job. Many of us are so frustrated that we can't stop thinking to resign from company all day, all night! Here are fifteen people who thought they had enough and finally said bye to their employers in style!
13.Now Boss Has to Figure Out How to Change that Damn Sign
There you go, another rage quit! Things like these look extremely funny for us, but not to that boss, company or employees there. Incidents like these disturb work atmosphere. Some businesses take so much time to get back on to track, given the fact that acts like these will badly damage their reputation.