15 Images That Show Irony In This World
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 5:28 pm
By:James Fraser
Things don't always go as planned! Sometimes they take the path of irony! Here are fifteen images that define the meaning of irony. These funny images of signs, billboards and notices will make you laugh. Some of them are really stupid too! Why waiting? Check them out.
1.Poor Sign Board
It looks like someone is not really happy with this board and the message it had on it. No Shooting? Who cares! Arrest? Who cares? It isn't just about shooting, it is about sending a message! We don't know who did that. We would rather say this board that was shot in its heart stands as a true example of irony.

2.Bird Knows What's up
This seagull is freaking awesome! It stood on the signpost that says 'no seagulls'. It looks the people who put that board can actually communicate with the birds! Yes, they can. The seagull is there to answer them! Bird stood there like "I'm here, idiots".

3.This Dog is a Rebel
Pissing on the signpost is his way of telling the authorities 'f*ck off'! The dog didn't like the sign at all. This dog is a true rebel! The dog knows how to piss off people, particularly the management or the authorities. This image is hilarious, and will be one of the best.

4.Protest Against Protests
What kind of logic is this? Protesting against protests doesn't work! It is nothing but pure irony. Check the poster, where people are gearing up to protest against student protests. Don't you think these people lack minimum common sense?

5.'Your' in America
Now this is some serious irony. It's okay to ask people to speak in English, since they are in America. However, this person should have checked his grammar first before giving a sensitive advice to others. We wonder how so many people get this 'your' and 'you're' thing wrong!

6.You Should Have Stayed in Home
If you hate crowds, why would you want to come out in the first place? Now this is called irony. He hate crowd, and he is telling the protesting crowd that he hates them! It's like you hate rain because it drenches you whenever you come out on a rainy day without an umbrella or raincoat!

7.Oh, Irony
We guess this board is the culprit. It looks like this thank you board turned out to be a distraction for this driver. It's all guessing, and we don't know what exactly happened there. Nevertheless, the irony is too strong with this one.

8.Singapore, Litter Free
Oh, what an irony! Singapore is generally a clean city, but the irony in this image has done some damage to city's reputation. Despite the trashcan reminds people to keep Singapore clean, they chose to dump the trash on the floor.

9.Irony at its Best
This is one such event that attracts photographers more than the common people. The photographers, usually, live with their camera 24/7 as if it is an integral part of their body! Asking people not to bring cameras to a photography exhibition is nothing more than pure irony.

10.The Real Irony
Now, this is what we call 'iron'y! This thing that is made to prevent rust couldn't save itself from it! Whatever the company's technical team says, we believe this is just irony. If it can't protect itself from rusting, how can it help other things around? This is what an average person thinks!

11.This is Called 'Morony'
Billboards are a bad thing in the first place, as the only thing they do on roads is to distract drivers. Putting up a road safety message on a billboard is even bad. Now, asking for people to text for driving tips is worst. We hope some people learn how to properly create awareness on road safety.

12.When News Hits Home Hard
Do you love ironic images? Then, you must mark this image as favorite! This picture has irony written all over it, in every pixel! The driver of this van made the tag line "Where the News Hits Home" real. Things like these don't happen every day, so watch and share! We feel sorry for the driver and the property owner though.

13.Irony, and We Appreciate That
The driver of this vehicle will get the shock of his life when he comes back to check his van wheel clamped. This vehicle belongs to parking enforcement team, which got clamped because of a parking violation. Sweet justice, delivered!

14.College of Architecture, Planning and Irony
Will you send your children to this college? The way they failed to put up their own name sends a message straight to anyone that this college isn't the right one. Nobody wouldn't even question if this college isn't a place that teach architecture and planning. What a fail!

15.Write for Free Help
It seems like the people who put up this board know a certain type of illiterates who can write, but can't read! Is this even possible? No! What it is, then? Nothing, just another ironic board on display!
