15 Architecture Fails
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Professionals like architects can’t afford to make mistakes, as their mistakes can prove costly. What if they do make mistakes? Below are fifteen images that show how architects failed at their job. These images will make us wonder what is in the minds of these architects when they are doing stuff like this.
1.A Pole in the Middle of Road
We really wonder whose idea is this to install a power pole right in the middle of road. We are not sure if the road was laid before or after the pole was installed. It is a terrible mistake, and it can prove fatal. People who are responsible for this oddly placed power pole had one architecture job and failed miserably at it.


2.So Many Fails in One Picture
First, this balcony looks a little odd. It seems to be alienated from the rest of the house. Second, this balcony was built on top of a railroad. This balcony is a good place to enjoy a coffee, only if the railroad beneath was an abandoned one.


3.Failed Architect and the Doors to Heaven
Does it sound like the name of a film? We are talking about this dangerous looking piece of construction, made by a really crazy architect. No one can use this door from the outside except Batman, Spider-Man, or Superman. We don’t see any purpose even from the inside. This place is ridiculously dangerous, especially when you have kids, the elderly or drunkards in the home.

4.A Garage to Park an Enchanted Flying Car
Flying cars aren’t fake. Check out this garage and you will finally believe that flying cars are indeed real. On a serious note, who would build garages like this one at picture? Either the architect must be crazy, or the property owner may have an enchanted car that can fly.


5.Earn Your Money, Again
This ATM will make you do all sorts of gymnastics or circus feats to withdraw your hard-earned money. It looks like the architect who made this ATM sent his common sense for a long walk, while he was working on this project. Nevertheless, this ATM is useful to ridiculously tall people.


6.What Kind of a Toilet is this
This is a western toilet by its look, and an Asian squat toilet by function. Seriously, who has ideas like these? This looks uncomfortable to even squat sit on. Guess how and why the architect has messed this toilet up.


7.A Pointless Escalator
Look at this pointless escalator built by a possibly headless architect. Why would anyone build an escalator that goes nowhere? Even we don’t know. We wonder why people let something like this happen, as it takes lots of time and effort to install an escalator.


8.You Shall Not Pass, Train
In what looks like an engineering marvel of the century, some architect managed to install a power pole right in the middle of a railway track. Common sense is mother of all sciences, wonder why so many people are bad at it.


9.Bad Architect, Even Bad Resident
How do you correct a badly placed ceiling fan? Disassemble the fan, and install it in the right place. You can otherwise make holes in the wall to fit the fan, as shown in the image. Whoever did this is just terrible. There will be ninety nine good ways to correct a mistake, but people will choose that one hundredth bad method.


10.Your Path to Success
Of course, yes it is blocked. Joking aside, what is that lonely staircase doing there? This is another terrible construction fail, where the architect had no clue what he is doing. This picture shows one of the more terrible failures of an architect.


11.Reverse Engineering at Work
We all know water can be used to generate electricity. Now we can see generated electricity being reversed so it comes out as water. Look how water is running out of a power socket. It isn’t just a fail, it is a deadly fail.


12.This is a Failure at its Finest
This is an embarrassment to humankind, and this structure should be demolished as soon as possible before aliens see it. This image needs no description, as it speaks of how a terrible architect master failed us all.


13.Thanks Architect, Very Useful
Do you remember ‘the floor is lava’ game we used to play when we are kids? It looks like ‘the floor is lava’ even here in this picture, so the architect built an awesome bridge on it. Seriously, this is one of those beautiful yet totally useless pieces of construction we ever get to see. What could be the purpose of having this walkway between two pools?


14.Knock Knock, Anybody Home?
Guest: Knock, knock, anybody home?
Resident: “Yes. I will jump out to see you in couple of minutes”
Guest: “I will wait here. Try not to land on my head.”
What do you call this architect for coming up with an insane door idea? Seriously, how would anyone use that door?

15.Go Home Window, You are Drunk
We guess it’s the architect who was drunk. The window looks a little wonky. Nevertheless, a fail is a fail even if the window still works. Let us conclude our series of architect failures with this awkwardly positioned window.

