15 Images That Show Miley Cyrus Has Become Trashy

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 7:20 am
By:Mike Litzler

Miley Cyrus is still one of the biggest names in Hollywood and American recording industry. People talk about her music and performance. They talk about Miley Cyrus Trashy behavior as well. At a very young age, Miley Cyrus won millions of hearts around the world with her incredible performance in Hanna Montana. She was like any other popular Hollywood celebrity until a couple of years back, but she has now followed a totally different league, though. Fans have no clue what really happened to this girl. Most of her songs and recent stage performances are heavily sexualized. Read these fifteen trashy and bizarre things Miley Cyrus has ever done. 

#13 Miley In Bed With Harry??

Miley took some heat for posing in bed earlier this winter with a cardboard cutout of Harry Styles. The star didn't understand why it raised eyebrows. While the Twit Pic was supposed to be good-humored fun for her 13-year-old sister's birthday, the Twitter universe exploded. Fans wondered about a "secret" crush. Critics wondered how much of a role model she really was to her younger sis and fans. Miley responded with the fact that she was happily engaged and that she was "just getting saucy with a cardboard cutout." Duh. 'Cuz that's what we all do from time to time.

Miley In Bed With Harry??-15 Images That Show Miley Cyrus Has Become Trashy
