15 Images That Show Miley Cyrus Has Totally Lost It
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:02 am
By:James Fraser
Miley Cyrus - the name no longer reminds you a cute little girl you saw on Hannah Montana a few years ago. Thanks to Hanna Montana, she became a millionaire even before she could legally drive. However, today, one would find it difficult to explain clearly what the lady is up to. These days you just see Miley Cyrus wearing weird costumes and doing inappropriate things. Is her outrageous public persona just a marketing stunt? Or, is she suffering from any mental illness? No one clearly knows! Here are fifteen images that prove why Miley has totally lost her mind.
7.This is so gross
The picture looks quite normal when you compare it to the other pictures you already saw, or you are about to see. Do you agree?