12 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces Ever

Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 9:21 am
By:Tony Williams

A divorce is one of the very few life moments that hurts people a lot even celebrities. It impacts a man's or woman's life in a tremendous way. A divorce is a peak point of frustration and irreconcilable differences between a wife and husband. No matter how badly a couple hates each other, they simply can't digest the fact that they are about to separate forever.  There will be pain and moments of satisfaction too that the derailed relationship is going to end, causing no further emotional damage.
Most divorces are expensive. They become ridiculously expensive when a divorce is complicated. Divorce lawyers charge a lot of money, up and above $500 an hour! Let's not forget about the alimony factor, which can ruin a spouse's financial standards badly. 
Celebrity divorces are always expensive. It is so because one of the partners is very rich, and he or she needs to pay a significant sum of their money as alimony. Celeb marriages are often more complicated than ordinary marriages. Celebrities hire best divorce lawyers in the country, and they usually charge a lot of money. In the past, A few celebrities have even paid more than $100 million as alimony or settlement for a divorce! Here are fifteen most expensive celebrity divorces ever. 

#1 Michael And Diandra Douglas

In March 1977, Michael Douglas, who was 32 years old at the time, married his first wife, Diandra Luker. Luker, who was the daughter of an Austrian diplomat, was 19-years-old at the time. The pair had one child, Cameron, in 1978. Things were good for a while, but in 1995, Diandra filed for divorce. After a lengthy battle, Diandra was awarded $45 million as part of the divorce settlement in 2000.

Michael And Diandra Douglas-12 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces Ever
