12 Celebrities Who Once Worked At Hooters

Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 1:02 pm
By:Tony Williams

Many celebrities had a humble beginning. They were not rich when they were young, and they lived like an ordinary person to make some money. Many of the top celebrities worked a day job. Some of them even worked as waiters at restaurants. A few celebrities had to work at McDonalds, and some celebs even stripped for a living. What you are about to see now are the pictures of 12 celebrities who once waited tables at Hooters! Their job turned the tables (no pun intended!) for them as they managed to meet some influential people in the entertainment industry, who offered them a chance to act or model!  
4.Samantha Burke

Samantha is known for two different things. First, she is a model and secondly she is the mother of a child with Jude Law. What fewer people know is that she was also a Hooters girl before all of this started.

Samantha Burke-12 Celebrities Who Once Worked At Hooters

5.Katrina Darrell

Well Katrina is famous for turning up to American Idol wearing just a bikini, but hey if you want to be famous, then you may as well do it in this kind of way. Apart from that, she is also a Hooters girl and you can kind of understand why when you see her in that bikini.

Katrina Darrell-12 Celebrities Who Once Worked At Hooters

6.Cori Rist

Cori is perhaps most well known for her links to Tiger Woods. If everything that is said about her is true, then she probably wishes she was back at Hooters.

Cori Rist-12 Celebrities Who Once Worked At Hooters
