12 Celebrities Who Have Been Shot And Lived
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 9:07 am
Sometimes, it's good to be an ordinary person with no fame or big money. You know, no one's going to chase you down with a gun in their hand! Unfortunately, celebs have been a target of criminals from a very long time. Professional feuds, shady business deals, friendship with drug lords or criminals are some of the reasons why stars put themselves in trouble. What you are about to read now are the shocking stories of 12 celebrities who were once shot but lived. Unfortunately, a few stars like Tupac Shakur weren't lucky enough to survive a gun ambush for the second time.
#3 Larry Flynt
Hustler founder, Larry Flynt, was shot in March of 1976, by a white supremacist. He suffered permanent spinal cord damage and was left paralyzed from the waist down. The wheelchair bound Flynt had an interracial photo shoot in his magazine that set off the shooter, who was outraged by what he saw.
