12 Celebrities Who Married Normal People

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 7:32 am
By:Tony Williams

How often do we see celebrities marrying an ordinary person? We don't see that happening frequently. A celebrity prefers another star or a rich person as a partner. Most of the times, celebs don't come in touch with ordinary people. Rich and affluent people always surround them. Some celebrities did marry ordinary people, though. What you are about to read now are the 12 love stories of such celebrities. These celebs brought people like waiters, workers, real estate consultants, and software engineers, etc. to their homes, as their love partners!

#4 Marcia Cross And Tom Mahoney

Marcia Cross fell in love with regular guy Tom Mahoney. Tom is a successful stockbroker, but as far as Hollywood goes he is an unknown, but the two of them are very happy and that is all that matters.

Marcia Cross And Tom Mahoney-12 Celebrities Who Married Normal People
