12 Most Beautiful Jewish Women In Hollywood
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 12:32 pm
Jews created Hollywood. If you are curious to know how many Jewish celebrities are there in Hollywood, you need to check this Wikipedia page. We warn you; the page will be longer than an average mom's grocery list! Perhaps, it's a good idea to find out who's not a Jew in Hollywood. The number will be small, and it saves a lot of time! Jokes apart, Here we have featured 12 most beautiful Jewish women in Hollywood on the topic. The stars are ranked loosely based on their popularity and good looks. If you think we have missed someone, please let us know.
#6 Rachel Weisz
Rachel Weisz is one of the hottest models and actresses of her generation, and she still looks so marvelous for a 46-year-old woman! Like many other stars on the topic, Weisz also comes from a Jewish family. Both her parents are Jews. Her family immigrated to the United Kingdom during the Second World War days, fearing Nazis. Rachel Weisz's paternal grandfather was the Secretary of the World Union of Jewish Students. As you may know, Rachel Weisz married James Bond actor Daniel Craig back in 2011.