15 Images That Show Kourtney Kardashian Is A Completely Hilarious Bitch
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 11:58 am
By:James Fraser
Many fans of KUWTK find Kourtney Kardashian interesting. Some of them even see her as the best Kardashian. She has an interesting personality and unique sense of humor. She is sassy, and her witty comebacks are cool. The way she makes fun of her sister Kim is hilarious. She sounds little offensive and rude which makes her the funniest of them all. Check out these fifteen images that show why Kourtney is a completely hilarious bitch!
1.She is Sassy
The older Kardashian has a unique attitude. At times, she doesn't mind praising herself or giving herself some credits.

2.She Loves Seeing Kim Cry
Many people find Kim's crying face funny. Kourtney too is one of them. She said this on more than one occasion on KUWTK.

3.When She Defended Her Sister on National Television
Though Kourtney made fun of Kim's short-lived marriage on many occasions, she defended her sister on The David Letterman Show in the best way possible.

4.When Relationship Discussions Between Kris and Kourtney Go Serious
Kris always wanted to see Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick in a marital relationship. Whenever a topic related to relationship comes up, Kourtney hits back at her mom or sisters with timely comebacks.

5.Her Reaction When Kim Fell off Her Chair
This happened in the 'Kourtney and Kim Take New York' TV series. That was her exact reaction when she saw Kim falling off a chair!

6.Ending Unwanted Conversations in Style
'ABCDEFG I have to go' - Be it Scott Disick, Kim or Kris, that is how Kourtney puts an end to a conversation that she is no longer interested in.

7.When Kourtney Brought Kim Right Down to the Earth
When Kim Kardashian was boasting about her popularity on Google, Kourtney quietly brought the popular Kardashian down telling her few more details about her popularity.

8.She Doesn’t Really Give Shit about Things
You don't often see Kourtney on magazine covers or tabloids as frequently as you see Kim Kardashian. She doesn't even wear best dresses like her sisters do. However, she got this nice and strong attitude that helps her going. Remember, she is the brain behind the famous Kardashian's DASH boutique's success.

9.When She Talked about Her Sister's Big Booty
Everyone who knows Kim Kardashian also knows about her over-sized butt! Like many, Kourtney misses no opportunity to take on her sister's big booty.

10.When She Dropped this During a 'Backdoor Entry' Discussion
When Scot Disick talked about anal sex in 'We're Having a Baby' episode, Kourtney came up with this hilarious reply.

11.This Funny moment between Scott and Kourtney
Scott and Kourtney were undoubtedly the best couple in KUTWK. The conversations between them were always funny. Here's one for you!

12.When Kim and Kourtney Drove a Huge White Pickup Truck
Kim usually hangs out in her Range Rover or custom-built Bentley, but she had to go out in a monstrous pickup truck with Kourtney and it didn't go well as usual.

13.When Kim Lost Her $75,000 Worth Diamond Earring
14.Queen Kourtney is What They Call Me!
Isn't she really cool when you compare her with the other Kardashians? She isn't that dumb at all - even with all those dating rumors with Justin Bieber. Well, atleast compared to all the other Kardashians.

15.Her Reaction on Weight Problems
The Kardashians sisters were always troubled by weight problems. Only one in them doesn't talk about the problems! Yes, it's her - Kourtney!

I know many of you would say they all belong to the most hated family on Earth, but as far as I am aware, it's Kim who has problems. I don't find Kourtney as annoying as other Kardashians. She actually looks smart among all the Kardashians. Kim, on the other hand, is hated by almost all people around the world. In fact, Kim's family doesn't lose a chance to insult or make fun of her.