15 Bizarre Facts About Phallological Museum That Will Leave You Stunned
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 1:20 pm
By:James Fraser
Not all museums in the world are same. Every museum is unique in its own way, and has a story. We do hear about those weird or wacky museums, but the museum you are about to see now belongs to an entirely new league! There is a museum in Iceland that houses penises! Yes, a lot of them! From an elephant's to a hamster's, you can find about 280 different kinds of penises there. Sigurour Hjartarson, founder of The Icelandic Phallological Museum, has a rather interesting and bizarre collection you all should know and see!
4.That's a Whale Penis
There are about 55 whale penises on display. Seals, bulls, elephants and many other land animals' pizzles can be found in the museum.