15 Serial Killer Quotes That Will Give Chills Down Your Spine
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 4:12 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us don't know of any real serial killers; We only heard about them in news,movies or documentaries. But if you want to hear real stories of Serial killers then ask your mom or dad, they will know many! Until the 1990s, most countries around the world were scarred of these so-called serial killers, who would kill whoever they like and whenever they want. Back then, There was lack of technology with the police authorities to be able to catch the serial killers and curb the murderers altogether. It's time to rewind all those notorious serial killer stories of the past few decades. Read fifteen serial killer quotes that will give you nightmares. Their crime stories are even more scary!
1.Carl Panzram, USA (1891 - 1930)
Carl Panzram was an American murderer, rapist, and a burglar. The man had committed 21 murders. He raped over 1000 women. He was hanged to death on September 5, 1930. While he was being hanged, he spat on the face of the executioner and screamed, "I wish the entire human race had one neck, and I had my hands around it!"

2.Jane Toppan, USA (1857 - 1938)
Jane Toppan was an American serial killer. In 1902, she confessed to killing 31 people. During her nurse training at Cambridge Hospital, she used patients there to experiment with morphine and atropine drugs. She used to alter the prescribed drug dosage to see how it was affecting the patients' nervous system. She enjoyed sitting next to the patients, and taking them closer to the death and bringing back to the life, ultimately killing them after sometime. Upon a complaint from a family, police investigated and arrested her on October 29, 1901. She was not found guilty by reason of insanity, and the court asked her to stay permanently at Taunton Insane Hospital.

3.Albert Fish, USA (1870 - 1936)
Albert Fish a.k.a. the 'Werewolf of Wysteria', was an American child rapist and a cannibal. He raped and ate over 100 children in a span of 8 years between 1924 and 1932. He was a child molester from his younger days. He was particularly attracted to mutilation and cannibalism after watching the bisection of a penis in a museum. He chose mentally challenged children as his targets. He was executed to death on an electric chair on January 16, 1936.
4.Edmund Kemper, USA (1948 - To Date)
Also known as 'The Co-ed Killer,' Edmund Kemper is an American serial killer who killed ten people including his mother and grandmother. He particularly chose unsuspecting college women as targets. He would kill them, sever their heads, and engage in fellatio (oral sex) with severed heads. He asked the court for a death penalty. However, he only received life imprisonment.

5.David Berkowitz, USA (1953 - To Date)
David Berkowitz a.k.a. 'Son of Sam' terrorized New York in the 1970s with a series of shooting attacks, killing six people and injuring seven others. Police launched a massive manhunt to find and arrest Berkowitz. He mocked police and threatened to kill more people. He received 6 life imprisonments, currently spending time at Sullivan Correctional Facility, New York.

6.Arthur Shawcross, USA (1945 - 2008)
Known as 'Genesee River Killer,' Arthur Cross was an American serial killer, who killed 14 people. The majority of his targets were unsuspecting children and female prostitutes. In the early 1970s, the man raped and killed two children. He was then sentenced to 25 years in prison. After spending 12 years in jail, he was released on parole as the authorities thought he was no longer a dangerous person. He proved them wrong and killed 12 people in a span of one year from 1988 to 1989. He was arrested again and sentenced to 250 years in prison. On November 10, 2008, he died from cardiac arrest.

7.John Wayne Gacy, USA (1942 - 1994)
Known by the name 'Killer Clown', John Wayne Gacy killed 33 teenage boys in a span of 6 years, between 1972 and 1978. He used to dress as a clown at children birthday parties, parades and community events. He lured young boys to his home to rape and kill them. On March, 1994, he was executed to death by lethal injection.

8.Henry Lee Lucas, USA (1936 - 2001)
Henry Lee Lucas was a self-confessed serial killer. He killed his own mother. Between 1960 and 1983, he killed 11 people. In June, 1983, he was arrested on the charges of unlawful possession of firearms. He spent four days in a Texas prison, where he confessed to all the homicides he committed. He was sentenced to life in prison. He died in March, 2001 from heart failure.

9.Ian Brady, UK (1938 - To Date)
Ian Brady and his partner Myra Hindley sexually assaulted and killed five children in North West England. The serial murders are known as 'Moors Murders' and grabbed world's attention in the 1960s. Both Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were sentenced to life in prison.

10.H. H. Holmes, USA (1861 - 1896)
He was one of the most feared and notorious serial killers in the United States. Although the man confessed to 27 murders, the number could be as big as 200. At the age of 34, he was executed by hanging.

11.Peter Kurten, Germany (1883 - 1931)
Peter Kurten, known by the name 'The Vampire of Dusseldorf' was a German murderer, burglar, and arsonist. He killed 7 people and injured many others. He admitted to drinking the blood of his victims. On July 1932, he received death punishment by guillotine.

12.John George Haigh, UK (1909 - 1949)
He was an English criminal known by the name 'The Acid Bath Murderer'. He killed 6 people. He used to dissolve the dead bodies of the victims in concentrated sulfuric acid to destroy their remains and possible pieces of evidence. He would then use forged papers to sell off victim's properties and make big money. He was sentenced to death.

13.Ted Bundy, USA (1946 - 1989)
Ted Bundy was an American serial killer, rapist, kidnapper and necrophile. He confessed to killing 30 people between 1974 and 1978. The authorities believed the number could be much higher. He would put new dresses on the dead bodies of the women he killed. He used to shampoo their hair, put on makeup and nail polish. He then used to rape the dead bodies once again. He was sentenced to death.

14.Peter Sutcliffe, UK (1946 - To Date)
Peter Sutcliffe, also known as, 'The York Ripper', is an English serial killer who killed 13 women, and attempted to kill 7 more. He killed only the female prostitutes. He said he was sent by God to kill all the prostitutes in the world, and clean up the planet. He is now spending his time in prison, serving life imprisonment.

15.Richard Ramirez, USA (1960 - 2013)
Dubbed as 'The Night Stalker' by media, Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer and rapist who killed 13 people. He terrorized the residents of Greater Los Angeles and San Francisco areas with a spree of home invasion murders. He died in 2013 from health complications after being on death row for more than 23 years.
