15 People Reveal The White Lies They Said That Went Too Far
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
A small lie can change your life! Sometimes, you may be forced to live the lie for a longer period. If you could remember, your parents probably taught you not tell even a single lie. They said so because you need to keep lying to cover up one small lie! A simple no-harm lie needs about a hundred other cover-up lies. Check how these fifteen people got their lies go too far than they expected.
1.The worst lie ever!
I told all my friends I was on Nickelodeon Guts as a kid. I finally broke the news it was a lie and my friends never let it go. They say it's the worst lie they've ever been told.

2.This Terrible Lie
A friend told his teacher that his parents died when they questioned him about being absent. The school collected the money for the family only to find out that his parents were not, in fact, dead.

3.This Guy Who Was Just Bad at Lying
I told my girlfriend that the bobby pins she had found on our floor belonged to my friend's gf when they spent the night while she was out of town. We're no longer together.

4.Another Funny Lie
5.Laser-Removing Hair on Balls
For months, I had many friends ready to laser remove the hair on their balls. I told them I did it, and it was great.

6.That Was a Big Lie
I once told a girl that my family owned Charmin toilet paper. We ended up dating, and I had to really work hard to keep the lie going. I even had to lie to her parents. I changed my last name on Facebook!

7.This Classroom Lie
On my way to campus, I tried to jump some stairs on my bike and ate pavement. When my professor asked why I was late, I froze and said I got hit by a car. I got an extra credit for coming to the class after 'getting hit by car'!

8.A Cool and Intelligent Lie
Cop pulled me over for talking on my phone and I was seven months pregnant at the time. I grabbed a water bottle and doused my pants in water. Since I was heading to the hospital area for a checkup anyway, I told the cop my water has broken. She escorted me to the ER.

9.When You Don't Adopt But Buy a Puppy
I got a dog and told everyone I found his litter left in a storage unit, so I had to adopt him. I didn't want anyone to know I got him from a puppy mill.

10.World's Most Popular Lie - My Grandparent Died
I was working at an Italian restaurant, had some relationship troubles and couldn't keep it together during the shift. So I told them my grandmother died (which she had the previous week) and as I'm leaving my boss walks up with three huge bags of food for my mourning family.

11.Meet Mr. Optimistic Optometrist
At a bar, I asked a girl about her glasses. I told her I was an optometrist. I spent a full month postponing consultations!

12.This Hilarious Brother
When my sister and I were kids, I told her the Easter Bunny came through the drain. I thought it was cute, and since Santa came through the chimney I couldn't think of any other routes into the house. She cried for HOURS. Easter became the most miserable holiday for years until we grew up and she realized what an idiot I am.

13.This Guy Who Lost His Job Over a Fake Fight Club
Back when I was 16, I was a camp counselor for a group of kinder gardeners. A few of them wouldn't stop fighting each other, so I told them (jokingly) to save it for fight club which was at the end of the day... being kids they thought fight club was real and told their parents about fight club which resulted in me having to explain to the administration and all the parents that no... there was no fight club. I wasn't hired the following year.

14.This is so sad
I lied to my mom I hated her the morning she passed away. I was 10. She was 39. I wish I could take it back, every single day.

15.The Girl Who Lied
I told everyone I got my first period in 6th grade. It actually came when I was 16. I had to keep the lie going on for about five years.

Have you ever lied like these people? We all lie to save ourselves from awkward situations and trouble, only to invite more trouble later.