12 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 4:32 pm
By:James Fraser
Who says nature can't express itself? It can. Be it a human being, an animal, bird, flower, hill, lake, or even a piece of rock, every earthly creation irrespective of its type is a standing testimony of Mother Nature's greatness. Flowers are unquestionably one of the most beautiful forms of life on Earth. The delicate, vibrant, and aromatic pieces of a plant tell a thousand tales about the planet's biodiversity. Do you know that there are more than 400,000 species of flowering plants on the earth? Not all of them look cute, though. We have picked 12 flowers that we think are the prettiest in the world. Have a look at them now.
Nelumbo Nucifera, commonly known lotus or sacred lotus, is an aquatic flowering plant native to Tropical Asia and Queensland, Australia. Lotus is unquestionably one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It has great cultural and religious significance in countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. People who practice Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, consider the flower sacred. Lotus is the national flower of India and Egypt. The root part of the flower is edible, and it has high nutritional value. People from parts of India and other Tropical Asian countries make mouth-watering delicacies using lotus root.