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15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 5:03 pm
By:James Fraser

We are humans, and we are all same as a species. However, sex and gender categorize us into two broad classifications, male and female. It is amazing how a man and woman who belong to the same species look so much different in physical appearance. It's even more amazing how the man and woman work together to create a new human being! Men and women are never the same. It's not just about physical differences we are talking about. There is a great difference between male and female decision making and thinking patterns. Both men and women have their culture and way of living. 
As a man, it is very hard to understand what it feels like being a woman. It is very hard to comprehend what it feels like to have breasts, or how sex feels from a female perspective. Women can't understand what it feels like being a man either.  
While we can't really help you understand what it feels like being a man or woman, we can certainly tell you fifteen body sensations the opposite sex never get to experience.
1.Men Can Never Understand the Discomfort Caused By Periods

Men are lucky because they don't have to deal with anything like periods (menstruation). Most men think menstruation is all about bleeding. However, it's not! They can never understand physical pain and emotional distress associated with menstruation. Women have to deal with menstrual cramps, back pain, mental distress, discomfort caused by bleeding and many more. With all these, they have to live with the fear of bloodstains on their dresses as well. 
Men can't even dare to imagine their penises bleeding good for four to five days a month!

Men Can Never Understand the Discomfort Caused By Periods-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

2.When Penis Touches Inside of a Toilet Bowl

Ladies, you are lucky because you can never run into this situation. Unfortunately, most men run into this situation where the tip of their penis comes in contact with the toilet bowl.  It feels gross, and it takes some time for men to forget and get over it. Though toilets host a plethora of disease-causing germs, men are highly unlikely to catch an infection this way.

When Penis Touches Inside of a Toilet Bowl-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

3.Morning Wood

Most women find male erections interesting! Some of them don't even understand how it works. As a woman, it is even hard to imagine what it's like getting an erection. Most men wake up with an awkward boner. It is called 'morning wood.'  The downside is they have to wait until it's completely gone before they can come out of their bed. 

Morning Wood-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

4.Sneezing During Periods

We have already discussed the discomforts periods usually cause. Now, let's add one more to that. When a woman is on her period, and if she starts sneezing, it makes the situation worse. Blood starts gushing out, making her feel like as if she is giving birth to a jellyfish. This happens because when women sneeze or cough during periods, the actions make their stomach and uterus muscles contract, pushing the blood outside through vagina.

Sneezing During Periods-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

5.Random Public Erections

Unfortunately for men, they have to deal with awkward boners when they are horny at public places. When women feel horny in public, no one around can tell if she is horny or not. When men start feeling horny, they have their spirits as well 'joysticks' rising! Sometimes, the awkward public boners can go terribly wrong as seen in the clip.

Random Public Erections-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

6.Getting Hit in Balls

Pain in testicles caused by a hit or physical blow is indeed a horrible kind of pain. Even men struggle to explain how the pain is. Women can never understand or imagine how painful it is. Female genitals are sensitive, and they too experience pain when someone hits them on crotch area, but that is nothing compared to what a man experiences.

Getting Hit in Balls-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

7.When Balls Stick to Leg

This is another insane discomfort. Fortunately for women, this is limited to only men! On hot and humid days, balls (testicles) start sweating, and they stick to the leg. If you ever see a man walking weirdly with a sad face on a sunny day, he probably had his balls stuck to his leg! Testicles are the weirdest part of a man's body. A man can build huge muscle and may kill an elephant with a kick, but a simple tap on testicles will make him fall on ground and cry like a baby!

When Balls Stick to Leg-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience


8.When Farts Meet Vagina

This is yet another women's discomfort, and men can never understand it. Sometimes, when a women farts, the gas rolls up into the vagina instead of making an exit from the backside. It is an awkward feeling. Women who tend to wear tight dresses often feel this happening because the gas finds no way to escape out!

When Farts Meet Vagina-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

9.Baby Kicks

If you are a man, try to imagine a baby moving inside your stomach and starts kicking you randomly throughout the day! This should freak most men out! Fortunately, men can never experience this at least for next few million years, unless evolution has other ideas. From a woman's perspective, yes baby kicks freak them out in the beginning. Later on, they just get used to it.

Baby Kicks-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience


10.Dealing with Facial Hair

Ladies, can you image shaving your cheeks every day or every alternative day using a blade? Ouch, it doesn't feel good, right? You can never understand what it likes to have facial hair. As a woman, you may think facial hairs cause discomfort. Contrary to what most women might think, the beard doesn't cause any discomfort because men get used to the feeling.

Dealing with Facial Hair-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

11.Peeing: Men Do it in a Different Way

Men have to get many science things like force, velocity, directions, etc. right if they have to pee properly! One wrong move and pee will be everywhere on the floor, toilet seat, or even on clothes. Most men don't have a problem with 'aiming the target' precisely. While men can happily sit and pee, women don't even think of doing it in the men's way.

Peeing: Men Do it in a Different Way-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience


12.Vaginal Farts/Vaginal Flatulence a.k.a. Queefing

Men, what it will be like if your penises start farting? It simply doesn't feel good. Women have these vaginal farts come out of their vagina. The condition is called vaginal flatulence.  During sexual intercourse, foreplay or gym workouts, air enters the vagina and shortly after it gets expelled out making a fart sound. Vaginal farts are odorless.

Vaginal Farts/Vaginal Flatulence a.k.a. Queefing-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

13.Pinch and Roll - Only Men Understand

Only men (may not be all) can understand how relieving it can be to scratch their balls coming home, after spending a long time out on a sunny day! Many men tell that scratching their balls give them immense pleasure. There is nothing sexual about that. Women can get the similar experience by scratching skin under their bra straps.

Pinch and Roll - Only Men Understand-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

14.When Penis Gets Stuck in Zipper

This is one of the most painful situations a man can go through. Most men will face this situation at least once in their lifetime. Women can sometimes run into the same problem, but not as frequent as men do. And of course, people who put them in a situation like this are those who don't wear undergarments. 

When Penis Gets Stuck in Zipper-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience

15.Child Birth

Here it comes! Men can never experience what it feels like to give birth to a baby. Labor pains feel similar to menstrual cramps, but are very high in intensity. Occasionally during labor, it feels like someone is stabbing you in your stomach. People who have gone through labor pains tell that they felt like their inner body parts around stomach are pulled out, squeezed and twisted. Oh boy, that is some serious pain!

Child Birth-15 Awkward Body Sensations The Opposite Sex Will Never Experience


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