15 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Like Shit

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 1:01 pm
By:James Fraser

Everybody goes through a bad time. Unfortunately, there is nothing much we can do to prevent that from happening. However, we can do a few things to keep our spirits up. If you can somehow make your mind busy in thinking about other things, you can easily come out of a bad mood. Here are fifteen simple things you can do to comfort yourself and get back on to the track when you are feeling down. 
4.Eat a Fruit

Sometimes, lack of energy can make you feel down, exhausted or confused. Eat a healthy snack like fruit, but avoid eating junk food.

Eat a Fruit-15 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Like Shit

5.Take a Walk Down the Street

The trick to happiness is making your brain stop thinking about unwanted things. Keep it busy and engaged with activities like a simple walk down the street.

Take a Walk Down the Street-15 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Like Shit

6.Wear a Comfortable Dress

Get rid of you work or daytime clothes and jump into your favorite night dress. You will start feeling good instantly.

Wear a Comfortable Dress-15 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Like Shit
