A Woman Draws Her Self Portraits During Her First Acid Trip
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 3:42 pm
By:James Fraser
How does it feel like to be under the influence of drugs? People who don't do drugs can never understand the feeling. Those who do drugs know it but they find it extremely difficult to explain. People use different kinds of recreational drugs from marijuana, cocaine, heroin to LSD to get 'high', which is a phenomenon of consciousness being altered. Of all the drugs, LSD is the most powerful hallucinogenic drug. A Swiss chemist named Albert Hoffman discovered LSD while he was working on a medicine to treat common cold.
What makes LSD (acid) different? It causes hallucinations. It completely alters the way your mind perceives things. The LSD experience or 'trip' is no less than a deeply disturbing horror story for an ordinary person. A typical acid trip lasts 10 to 12 hours.
A woman drew 11 self-portraits of her during her first acid (LSD) trip while a friend was there with her all the time. The pictures are an accurate depiction of hallucinations people go through when they are on drugs like LSD.
1.Before any Effect
By the time she drew the first portrait, she had consumed 200µg of LSD. It takes twenty to forty minutes for the acid to kick in. She was quite normal at this time.

2.After 30 Minutes
At this time, the friend of the girl asked if she started to feel anything. She said she could see colors around her becoming brighter than usual.

3.After 1 Hour 45 Minutes
You can clearly see that she started to see things differently. Usually during an acid trip, after a couple of hours, powerful psychedelic effects start to set in.

4.After 2 Hours and 45 Minutes
This is the beginning of the peak stage. Things are only going to get worse in the coming few hours. People who do drugs call this experience awesome though.

5.After 3 Hours and 30 Minutes
This is the peak stage of the trip. The lady explained she didn't draw the eyes because she doesn't want the picture to look back at her.

6.After 4 Hours and 45 Minutes
She was at the peak of the trip. People who do acid often find interesting, amusing or even horrible hallucinations during this period of time. Everything around them looks very strange to them.

7.After 6 Hours
This picture is more than a great reason to not to try drugs even for one time. You can see how her perception has completely changed. Some people get panic attacks and faint at this stage as the drug creates horrifying illusions and hallucinations.

8.After 6 Hours and 45 Minutes
9.After 8 Hours
According to her friend, the lady spent 45 minutes in complete darkness listening to Pink Floyd song. She came out and drew this one.

10.After 8 Hours and 45 Minutes
The lady wasn't satisfied with the previous picture. She wanted to draw a more accurate portrait of herself as seen through her eyes. She drew this one.

11.After 9 Hours and 30 Minutes
The psychedelic effects were disappearing quickly. She still didn't draw the eyes because she doesn't want the picture to look back at her!

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