15 Tinder Horror Stories That Will Give You Nightmares
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:48 pm
By:James Fraser
Online dating apps like Tinder have grown to become a primary source for scouting potential partners. Not only do the apps save time, but also help people to turn down anyone who they don't like without getting into the sensitive. They are good. On a bad day, they can give you nightmares too. You never know who you are meeting until you meet them. Here are fifteen online dating horror stories that nearly made people think not to date again!
1.This Clueless Dude
Showed up to the restaurant, waited about 30 minutes. Ordered myself some food and was about to leave when he texted me: "there's a liquor store across the street from the restaurant, can you pick me up 2 six packs?" I told him I wouldn't. He says he's decided to play frisbee with his dog instead. Deleted app, went to liquor store, picked up wine and went home. He texted me for a month or so after to tell me he's just bought tickets to see me dance (I'm a retired ballerina, haven't been in anything for a few years). Then he texts me an hour after and tells me how great I was on stage. I never responded. Dating is too confusing. I'm all done.