15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 1:03 pm
By:James Fraser
Love isn't all about kisses or hugs. It's not just about sex or cuddling. If you think a great relationship is all about those sweet kisses and cuddly moments, you are wrong! A real relationship is the one where you understand your partner, accept their weaknesses, and deal with their awkward things! When two people truly love each other, they become one, and there will be no scope for embarrassment whatsoever. In this very interesting article, we have fifteen couples who revealed the most embarrassing thing their partner does which they find endearing!
1.This Interesting Ball Game
My SO's balls are always hot. He gets so hot at times that he has to sit on ice packs to try and cool off. As long as I can remember my feet have always been ice cold. One night he was icing his balls while he had my toes tucked under his butt. He got a brilliant idea, he grabbed my feet and stuck them under his sack! What came next was the most satisfying feeling in the world for the both of us. Now this happens on a regular basis. We are a perfect match.
- kittyluvsit