15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 1:03 pm
By:James Fraser
Love isn't all about kisses or hugs. It's not just about sex or cuddling. If you think a great relationship is all about those sweet kisses and cuddly moments, you are wrong! A real relationship is the one where you understand your partner, accept their weaknesses, and deal with their awkward things! When two people truly love each other, they become one, and there will be no scope for embarrassment whatsoever. In this very interesting article, we have fifteen couples who revealed the most embarrassing thing their partner does which they find endearing!
1.This Interesting Ball Game
My SO's balls are always hot. He gets so hot at times that he has to sit on ice packs to try and cool off. As long as I can remember my feet have always been ice cold. One night he was icing his balls while he had my toes tucked under his butt. He got a brilliant idea, he grabbed my feet and stuck them under his sack! What came next was the most satisfying feeling in the world for the both of us. Now this happens on a regular basis. We are a perfect match.
- kittyluvsit

2.The Unfortunate Guy with Irregular Bowel Movements
He has no sense of his own digestive system. We'll be midway into a conversation when he suddenly gets up and runs to the bathroom. This happened maybe 2 minutes ago, which is why I'm here, posting this comment, instead of talking to him. It's like pooping is a new experience for him every time.
- gacemonster

3.The Girl Who Farts in an Awkward Way
She is always the little spoon and farts on my thighs. She giggles in her sleep when she does do it and pulls herself in closer to me.
- peanutkid

4.Slurp... Slurp... Slurp...
He likes to slurp my skin. I am never safe. Cuddling in bed? My face gets licked. Squirm away? Arm is getting licked. Is he snuggling me to be cute or to slurp my face? It's to slurp my face. It's gotten to the disgusting point where both of us just leave our tongues on each other. We're gross. I love him.
- Companion355

5.A Weird Way to Say Good Morning
Almost every morning, while I'm eating breakfast, he will come into the living room and loudly whisper my name and I'll look over to see him in his boxers with his morning wood hanging out with a goofy grin on his face. I think it's his way of saying good morning.
- e_youngstrand

6.Now That's Some Serious Talent
When my wife is bored she does this thing where she makes a tiny pool of spit in her tongue then curls her tongue and somehow it makes a bubble. Then she gently blows and this dainty little spit bubble flutters through the air and lands somewhere and pops. She'll watch it closely but with a bored look on her face. I think she's aiming at things.
She's tried to teach our niece, but the poor girl just dribbled big globs of spit down her chin.
- johnwalkersbeard

7.That Was Indeed a Real Dark Secret
I shave my shameless boyfriend asshole, balls and taint with electric clippers. The entire process takes about 45 minutes, since I have to be very careful and take my time on such sensitive areas. It's literally face down, ass up position where he holds his bum open with his hands. With my camping head lamp on, I proceed with caution. I've never told a soul, thanks for letting me share.
- CanadianLiv

8.And Someone Who Can't Stop Himself Acting Like a Stripper
My SO will come out of the shower with his music playing sometimes. I'll just be sitting in a chair or laying bed, and he will start dancing and then rip his towel off and shake his dick in my face. When I try to touch him or push him away, he slaps my hand and goes "don't touch the stripper" I have to endure this for about 2 songs.
- NoAryssaWhy

9.This Creepy Sleeper
My girlfriend sleeps with her eyes open. Not fully open... That'd be fucking creepy.
They're slightly open, usually, and sometimes they're half open. It's borderline creepy but not exactly there. Sometimes when I'm driving I can't tell if she's awake so I wave my hand in front of her (I'm driving, don't worry) Just to test it.
- Royd

10.And the Flexible Guy Who Got Some 'Moves' Down There
He likes to make shapes with his dick and balls (snail, hamburger, elephant). I really can't explain the mechanics of it, but I'm sure other guys will get what I mean.
- astrokitty13

11.He Wasn't Possessed, The Condition is Called Myoclonus!
My SO's left hand wanders all over the place in his sleep. His wrist hangs limp so he's not really reaching for anything, his arm just compulsively moves around. We've lived together for over a year, this literally happens every night. At first I thought he was possessed but now it's just hilarious.
And yes he is really asleep, no, he is not trying to touch me or himself.
- ellychelle

12.And This Horrible Shower Game
My ex used to have a game where she would try and pee on my leg when we were in the shower without me noticing, she thought it was really funny. It wasn't near as funny apparently when I (who had greater range) peed on her.
- RolandDeshane

13.Another Weird and Funny Act!
When I'm sitting on the couch, my boyfriend will come up behind me and wrap my hair around his penis. LOL.
- wanderingcadaver

14.A Bizarre and Hilarious Way of Comforting Each Other
My SO likes to put my head on his crotch and say, "Shh, everything is going to be OK." I always reply, "I'm glad your penis is there for me."
It's not for everyone but I find it cute and funny!
- Perfectlifeyae43

15.This Sleep-talker and His Penis Obsession!
My boyfriend has a boner about 85% of the time when he is asleep... He also talks dirty in his sleep. Countless times I've been woken up to "You like this dick? *snore* mmm. Yeah, suck this big dick. *snore*" It's happens so often. Lol. It's actually pretty arousing.
- xokamotox

Do you think these confessions were scary or weird? Well, what would you say about these? Here are 15 People who revealed the reasons they had to stop having sex in the middle.