Interesting Porn Facts You Don't Know
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 11:34 am
1.Female directors
Even though it is male orientated there are female directors out there. The porn star Joanna Angel started up Burning Angel productions and she directs every single movie as well as getting involved in other ways, so it is not all about the guys.
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2.Fart fetish
OK so this is a bit strange, but there is actually a fart fetish and there is also a series that has been produced purely for people that love farting. To the majority of us that just seems a strange thing to like and be turned on by, but it does happen.
3.Gay for pay
If you are a guy and you think that being a stud is the best job in the world perhaps you should consider how much money the average guy makes. He can earn three times as much being in a gay movie even if he is totally straight hence the term gay for pay.
4.Women and porn
Do you know that more women admit to watching porn than those that go to the likes of Facebook and Twitter put together. The next time your wife tells you that you are disgusting for watching porn perhaps check out her browsing history. loves media
Do you know that porn has been responsible for people really taking on new technology? They saw how good VHS was going to be and then CD and then the Internet, so really they are pioneers.
6.The making of porn
In the US it is actually only legal to make porn in two locations with these being Los Angeles and New Hampshire. Is it any wonder that LA is therefore seen as porn valley?
7.Lots of porn
More than half of the content that is available online is porn and that is quite scary to sit and think about it. This does of course mean that it will be impossible to clean the Internet up.
8.Thora Birch
OK so Thora Birch has never been in porn, but the strange thing is that both of her parents were in it. Imagine being brought up in that kind of environment and you wonder what her views are on it.
9.Is it bad?
There is the idea that porn does indeed lead to more sex crimes, but there is a problem. The studies are pretty even when it comes to this idea, so it is still in the air as to whether or not it does lead to more sex crimes or not.
10.Rule 34
There is an idea online that is called rule 34 and it does indeed appear to be true. Basically, this is the theory that if you search for it that there will be some porn related to it, so go ahead and try it, but do be careful.
11.Jackie Chan
OK this is going to surprise you, but in the mid 70's Jackie Chan appeared in a couple of adult movies. The only good thing was that he did not kung fu his way through the movie.
12.We love Sundays
Sundays are universally the most popular day of the week for watching porn. Why is it Sunday? Maybe we are just trying to stop thinking about going back to work the following day?
13.How much do they earn?
The top female porn stars can earn a fortune and to give you an idea of how much just look at Tera Patrick. In 2012 she managed to earn $15 million, but of course so many of them get nowhere near as much as that.
14.Jenna Jameson
This is a stat that will surprise you because Jenna Jameson was still the highest grossing porn star 5 years after she was last in a movie. That tells you so much about how popular she was that she still remained as number one.
15.The world would just stop
We should be glad that porn is just acting because it if was like Big Brother and the world did operate that way, then we would grind to a halt as a species. Make sure that you know that it is all fake.
16.South Korea
We just find it so easy to watch porn in so many countries, but it is completely different in South Korea. Here they need to put in their social security number in order to access it, so the government really does know what they are doing.
17.Men and porn
OK we all know that men love porn, but when one researcher tried to do a study on men that do not watch porn he ran into problems. The area he targeted actually ended up having to be scrapped as he could not find one guy in his demographic that had never watched it.
It will be a safe bet that when it came to states that had the highest porn consumption that Utah would not have featured at the top. However, that is where you would have made a mistake because in actual fact the most porn subscribers come from there.
19.Does this make sense?
In Mississippi there has always been a feeling of some racial tension and it is mostly a white population. However, the most searched porn terms are actually all focused on black women, so does that actually make sense to you?
20.Hotel rooms
70% of the revenue from hotel rooms comes from porn and you are still able to watch it even in countries where porn is banned. This is because they tend to have exemptions for hotel rooms.
21.It's not original
Only a small percentage of porn websites actually have their own content and the vast majority of the millions of websites all buy their content from the same people. That means so much has just been copied and you are joining the sites and getting the same things.
22.The most popular part
Ok so you think of all the things women do to their body when they are in porn, but which part is the most popular amongst guys? You may be surprised to hear that it is actually the face that they look at the most and we bet you thought of somewhere else.
23.Viewing porn
At any point on any given day there is an estimated 30,000,000 people viewing porn. That just shows you how big the industry is and why it is so dominant when it comes to searches online.
24.Australian ban
This sounds strange, but in Australia there is a ban on small breasted women appearing in porn. How they manage to actually do that is unknown, but how crazy is it?