15 Hilarious Concert Fails And Bloopers That Will Make You Lol

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:29 am
By:Tony Williams

Concerts are great! However, they are a mess. If there's one place where an absolute peace-loving individual shouldn't go, it should be a concert. The combination of loud music, cheering crowd, and drunk people isn't a pleasant thing for many. Anyways, we like concerts because we like music. We like our pop stars too! In general, many fails take place at concerts. It can be on stage, or in the crowd. If you ever visited a concert before, you would remember a few funny incidents happened there. Here are fifteen epic and hilarious concert fails that make you laugh out loud! 

This is what happens when you are not paying attention at your own concert. What you see here is the back of Beyonce after she decided to get down stairs a lot quicker than she intended to at one of her concerts. She missed one of the steps and then bounced and rolled like a rubber ball in front of her fans. This is major fail, but one that you cannot stop yourself laughing at.

Beyonce-15 Hilarious Concert Fails And Bloopers That Will Make You Lol
2.Justin Bieber

Not to be outdone by Lady Gaga this actually is Justin Bieber being sick on stage in front of all of those teenage girls that adore him. How lovely it must have been for them to witness this, but then he makes adults feel like throwing up with his music, so it is only fair that it then does actually happen to him. Karma really can be a bitch at times.

Justin Bieber-15 Hilarious Concert Fails And Bloopers That Will Make You Lol

3.Lady Gaga Concert Fail

It is a still from a phone, but it does show Lady Gaga being sick during one of her shows in what has to be a major fail for a major star. Maybe she was suddenly sick from listening to her own music, but it was certainly not the end to a song that she or anybody else there expected to see.

Lady Gaga Concert Fail-15 Hilarious Concert Fails And Bloopers That Will Make You Lol


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