Cartoon Characters & Their Real Life Counterparts

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:45 pm
By:Tony Williams

Who doesn't love Cartoons? They are the best part of our childhood, They taught us some of the most important lessons in life while making us smile. At some part of our childhood we wanted to meet our favorite cartoon characters in real but only to realize they don't exist in reality. But what if we tell you some of them do exist? Well, not the real ones but their lookalikes. Here are 12 Cartoon Characters & Their Real Life Counterparts
1.Bill Murray

Yes thanks to the color of his beard and wearing that red hat there is a clear resemblance between Papa Smurf and Bill Murray. The only difference is that one has a blue face and the other has a blue shirt.

Bill Murray-Cartoon Characters & Their Real Life Counterparts

The resemblance here really is uncanny and you have to say that the parents must have seen the resemblance facially and decided to do her hair the same in order to make her look even more like her. You have to say that this approach has certainly worked.

Uncanny-Cartoon Characters & Their Real Life Counterparts


This is another hilarious cartoon look-a-like and the only thing that is really different is that Herbert is not smoking a cigarette. Apart from that the shape of the face, the nose, the hair, and even the build are all the same.

Herbert-Cartoon Characters & Their Real Life Counterparts

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