12 Times When Bros Saved Another Bro
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 9:19 pm
By:James Fraser
There are two kinds of men. One kind is the man you see every day, and the other is the more refined version of man, popularly known by the name ‘bro’! Bros support and save fellow bros all the times. If a man has the ‘bro code’ built in his DNA, he will go to any level for other bros, even if he does not know them personally.
1.Taking ‘Bro-ism’ to an All New Level
Would you help your brother by jacking him off, when his arm was broken? Before you yell out ‘WTF’, check this dude who is jacking his brother off because his brother could not! While most bros call this thing ‘gay’, the man defends himself saying he is just a good friend!