15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:01 pm
By:James Fraser
Everyone, at one point in their life, tries to impress someone else. Be it a girl or a boy, a teacher, an employer, or a customer for your business; we try to impress people. There's nothing wrong with it. However, some people do crazy and insane things just to grab people's attention and impress them. They pretend to be rich. They try to perform crazy daredevil stunts, etc. Read fifteen saddest things people did to impress someone. Sadly, most of the attempts didn't end on a good note.
1.Sadly, Many Guys Do This
Dude just spent his entire 15 day paycheck just to impress this one girl. After that he asked to borrow money from me because he blew it all on his date trying to pretend he's some kind of big shot.