Most Expensive Surgeries In The World
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:23 am
1.Colon cancer
If you have colon cancer and require an operation to remove it, and this can apply to any type of cancer, then due to the cost of the operation and the medication that is required after it you will tend to find that the cost is around $250,000. However, at least then you will hopefully be cured, so it is always money well spent.
A pacemaker, or small defibrillator, can easily save a life, but it is expensive to have one fitted. The cost of having one installed in your body is well over $100,000 and of course you then have to hope that it does what it is supposed to do at those all important moments.
This is a procedure where there is an incision made in the windpipe to help somebody breathe. A tracheostomy is when somebody needs to breathe like this over an extended period of time and you need to stay in intensive care while the body gets used to it. The price? $200,000
4.Kidney transplant
A kidney transplant is going to cost in the region of $270,000 and this seems a lot of money considering they are not in hospital for long. However, you only require this if both kidneys are not working.
5.Pancreas transplant
If you have pancreatic cancer one option is a transplant. You will be in hospital for 3 to 4 weeks after it and all of this adds to the cost. How much will it be? Close o $300,000.
6.Intestine transplant
Yes you can have an intestine transplant, but because of the cost of intensive care, the recovery time, the procedure and everything else it makes sense it will cost over $1.2 million. This has to be one of the most expensive surgeries out there.
7.Heart and lung transplant
A heart and lung transplant is a major operation, so you will not be shocked to discover that it will cost around $1.2 million. Luckily for insurance companies there are not a lot of people that require it.
8.Heart transplant
As you would expect, a heart transplant is going to set you back quite a lot of money. You should not expect a lot of change from $1 million for this procedure, but then it is giving you a new lease of life.
9.Lung transplant
A lung transplant comes with two price tags depending on whether you are having one lung or two. In general you are looking at in the region of $650,000 for one lung and $800,000 for two.
10.Bone marrow transplant
The actual cost for a bone marrow transplant can be as high as $700,000. The problem is not so much with the procedure but the cost of the tests to find a match.
11.Liver transplant
Our liver deals with the toxins that enters our body and deals with them, so when something goes wrong you can understand why you need a transplant. However, a new one will set you back in the region of $550,000.
12.Open heart surgery
We all need our heart to be working well or we are in major trouble. However, if you need open heart surgery, then in all honesty the price tag is enough to give you heart failure. The cost to you? $325,000.