Most Anticipated Gadgets Of 2013
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 6:26 pm
#12 Withings Pulse
Withings Pulse was unveiled in September 2013. This digital trainer is the smallest device on the market that can tell you calories burned, heart rate, steps taken, your sleeping patterns and more. The device is so small that you can just clip it to your belt and go on your way. The device even has a cool Withings Health Mate app that allows you to connect your Bluetooth.Users can keep track of their progress for up 14 days thanks to the device's OLED screen. This little magical black box can be purchased online for just $99. The Withings Pulse is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, IPod Touch, and Android 2.3.3 or higher. In June 2013, Withings received the Design Award from Futur en Seine for this device.