15 People Reveal The Most Difficult Thing They Have Ever Said No To
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:22 pm
By:James Fraser
Saying no to things you really want is never an easy task. Sometimes, you find yourself in situations where you totally want something but have to say no to it for some reasons. Oh yes, it will be the hardest 'NO' of your life. In most cases, you may even regret those decisions later. Be it an offer, opportunity, or a request, sometimes it is very, very, difficult to say a small "no". BUT YOU HAVE TO! Read fifteen people who revealed the hardest thing they have ever said no to.
1.This Painful Situation...
"Do you want us to try to resuscitate him" -nurse
"No, he didn't want it" – me
My dad had stage 4 lung cancer and his liver was failing so we were at the hospital. He was talking, then paused, then the heart rate monitor went flat. People rushed the room and surrounded him. I said stop, they said do you want us to resuscitate? I said no, he didn't want it. They shut the monitor off and I had to call my mom and say he was gone.