Cute Wake Up Messages

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 6:15 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Don't Be A Beach

Sometimes when you wake up on the wrong side of he bed and maybe hit the wall, it takes more than some silly love note to get you out of your funk. It's a good thing you have friends that will skip right to a good joke. And it's perfectly fine if it takes until your cup of coffee to realize its humor.

Don't Be A Beach-Cute Wake Up Messages

2.Trust in the Lord

Just in case it's raining outside or you're feeling lonesome with your morning joe, all you gotta do is take a little glance at this mug and you know that The Lord is with you and that he is the essence of love. No matter what religion, God is love, and we are pretty sure he takes decaf!

Trust in the Lord-Cute Wake Up Messages

3.Happy I Met You

Do you believe that fate or destiny controls your journey? Or is it all luck and by chance? Wise men say that those special people in our lives will be in all of our many lives in different forms, going through the journey together in different manifestations. Lets just hope they have a cell phone!

Happy I Met You-Cute Wake Up Messages

4.Long Night

With a message this long and wordy, you just better be glad they are laying down the love. Hopefully you got enough sleep to read all that. The good thing is she sounds like she was left wanting more. A nap is always a great euphemism for getting lucky. Don't forget your Jammies!

Long Night-Cute Wake Up Messages

5.Good Morning

Sometimes the simplest things can be the most meaningful. Whether it is a sweet kiss on the cheek or a smile on the street. It can come from any direction to warm your cold heart. The important thing is when it happens you better be living in the moment and recognize it.

Good Morning-Cute Wake Up Messages

6.Thor Wake up Call

When Thor threatens Ironman, there can be only one outcome ... he wakes up. If you sleep like you're dead, this may be the only way to wake you up. A friendly reminder that if you don't respond you may be facing Thor in the morning, might be all you need.

Thor Wake up Call-Cute Wake Up Messages

7.Water Surprise

You've heard of water boarding as a form of torture, but this is a close second. Would you like to wake up to a face full of water. Some may think it's cute, but if it were me ... watch out. Definitely no yawning and slow, sleepy eyes. After this, you will be bouncing!

Water Surprise-Cute Wake Up Messages

8.Meet The Sheeple

This is a wake up message with a real message. There are people who are leaders and people who are followers. The followers are often referred to as sheeple, because they obey and follow directions like a herd of sheep. Are you one of them? Do you need to wake up?

Meet The Sheeple-Cute Wake Up Messages

9.Numb Nuts

The best way in the whole world to be woken up is with a puppy on your chest. When you see that cute little furry face, you can feel nothing but love, even if it is 6am. Once he starts licking you and nuzzling your face, you'll wake up with a smile. Much better than an alarm clock that just buzzes.

Numb Nuts-Cute Wake Up Messages

10.Puppy Snooze Alarm

A great little message for when you want to snooze. A smile might be just the thing to wake you up bright and busy tailed. Who among us hasn't wished for five more minutes in bed, especially after a long night. How many times do you hit the snooze alarm.

Puppy Snooze Alarm-Cute Wake Up Messages


Who could resist waking up to this cute message. Even if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, this would put you right back on track. Knowing someone loves you fills your heart with joy, and more importantly, sends endorphins soaring through your body. You're bound to have a great day.

Obsessed-Cute Wake Up Messages


Waking up is hard to do. Even this cute little kitty is having a hard time. How many times do we look like this when the alarm goes off. Maybe this cute little message on your phone might make you smile as you stretch like a cat to wake up.

Kitten-Cute Wake Up Messages



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